aim input variables¶
This document lists and provides the description of the name (keywords) of the aim input variables to be used in the input file for the aim executable.
Mnemonics: index of ATOM
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Index of the investigated atom.
Mnemonics: bader ATomic RADius
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Moderately used, [⅖] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
A first estimation of the Bader radius (not too important - it is used only two times)
Mnemonics: COeFFicient 1
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.98
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
See the input variable ratmin@aim.
Mnemonics: COeFFicient 2
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.95
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
See the input variable ratmin@aim.
Mnemonics: computation of CRITical points
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Drives the computation of critical points.
- [0] not
- [-1] reading from the file ``root’‘.crit
- [1] calculated (simplified version)
- [2] calculated (standard version - recommended)
- [3] calculated (the original version)
The original version searches all critical points (CPs) starting from the center between two and three atoms (atom - neighbor(s)) by Newton-Raphson algorithm - without tests (not recommended) - don’t use together with surface analysis !
The simplified and standard versions search CP(3,-1) starting from the center of the pairs~atom-neighbor; then CP(3,1) from the center between two CP(3,-1) and finally CP(3,3) from the center between two CP(3,1). The robust Popeliers’s algorithm is used. The difference between the two is based in the fact that the standard version makes the test if the CP is really on the Bader surface of the calculated atom for each CP, while the simplified version does this only for CP(3,-1). When CP analysis is rather fast (with respect to surface determination), 2 is recommended. In all cases the number of neighbors considered is limited by distance cutoff (variable maxatd@aim)
Mnemonics: electronic DENsity OUTput
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Output of the electronic density. The specification of the line (plane) in the real space must be given in the input variable vpts@aim and grid in ngrid@aim. It is also possible to get only the valence density or the core density (see dltyp@aim).
- 0, no output
- 1, 1D distribution
- 2, 2D distribution
Mnemonics: Density or Laplacian TYP output
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Specification of the contribution of the electronic density corresponding to the density and/or laplacian output (see denout@aim and lapout@aim)
- 0, total electronic density
- 1, only the valence density
- 2, only the core density
Mnemonics: DPCLIM
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.d-2
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Moderately used, [⅕] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
- v4: t33.abi
If two “numerically different” critical points are separated by less than dpclim, they are considered to be the same critical point. This often happens because of numerical inaccuracies: one CP might be “seen” by two different finite elements. The default should be OK when the ecut is quite large, on the order of 60 Hartree. For less accurate calculations of the density, increase the default value to 5.d-2, let’s say.
Mnemonics: FOLlow DEParture
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: (3)
Default value: 3*0.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Needed in the case follow=1 only. Defines the starting point.
Mnemonics: FOLLOW the gradient path
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Follow the gradient path to the corresponding atom starting from the position specified in the input variable foldep.
Mnemonics: FOLlow STeP
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.5
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
The first step for following the gradient path.
Mnemonics: GraPhic output for the bader SURFace
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Drives the graphic output (gnuplot script) of the irreducible part of the calculated Bader surface.
- 0, not output
- 1, output
Mnemonics: numer of INtegration PoinTs
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 100
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Number of radial points used for integration of the Bader charge (not too sensitive).
Mnemonics: Integration of the charge density RHO
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Drives the integration of the charge of the Bader atom.
- 0, not calculated
- 1, calculated (usual mode)
Mnemonics: Integration of the VOLume
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Moderately used, [⅕] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
- v6: t19.abi
Drives the integration of the volume of the Bader atom.
- 0, not calculated
- 1, calculated
Mnemonics: electronic density LAPlacian OUTput
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Output of the laplacian of electronic density. The specification of the line (plane) in the real space must be given in the input variable vpts and grid in ngrid. It is also possible to get only the valence density or the core density (see dltyp).
- 0, no output
- 1, 1D distribution
- 2, 2D distribution
Mnemonics: Low GRADient criterion
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.d-12
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅗] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
The search for one particular CP is decided to be successful when either the norm of the gradient of the electron density is smaller than lgrad or when the length of the planned search step is smaller than lstep. If the number of search step becomes larger than an internal limit (presently set to 100), one will allow a weaker criteria for satisfaction, based on lgrad2 and lstep2. If the internal limit is reached, and the criteria on lgrad2 and lstep2 are not satisfied, then the searching procedure continues with the next seed.
Mnemonics: Low GRADient criterion 2
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.d-5
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅗] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Determines the criterion for deciding that a CP has been found. See lgrad for more details.
Mnemonics: Length of the planned search STEP
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.d-10
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅗] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Determines the criterion for deciding a CP has been found. See lgrad for more details.
Mnemonics: Length of the planned search STEP 2
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.d-5
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅗] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Determines the criterion for deciding that a CP has been found. See lgrad for more details.
Mnemonics: MAXimal ATomic Distance
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 10.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Atoms within this maximal distance are considered in order to start the search of a CP.
Note that the supercell, determined by nsa, nsb, and nsc might be too small to actually lead to the consideration of all the desired atoms.
Mnemonics: MAXimal CP Distance
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 5.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
The CPs are searched for within this maximal distance.
Note that the supercell, determined by nsa, nsb, and nsc might be too small to actually lead to the consideration of all the critical points.
Mnemonics: Number of GRID points
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: (2)
Default value: 2*30
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Defines the grid in real space, for the density and laplacian outputs, governed by denout and lapout.
Mnemonics: Number of PHI angle
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 48
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
With ntheta, this variable defines the angular grid for the integration within the Bader volume, in particular, the number of phi angles, to be used between phimin and phimax. When the difference between these two variables is 2 \(\pi\), the recommended value of nphi is 48. When it is \(\pi\) (for symmetry reasons), the recommended value is 32. When it is \(\pi\)/2 (for symmetry reasons), the recommended value is 20.
Mnemonics: Number of Supercell points in direction A
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 3
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
These variables define a “supercell”, from the primitive cell repeated along each primitive direction. This supercell is build as follows:
do isa=-nsa,nsa
do isb=-nsb,nsb
do isc=-nsc,nsc
-> here, the cell is translated by the vector
-> (isa,isb,isc) in crystallographic coordinates
-> and accumulated, to give the supercell
Mnemonics: Number of Supercell points in direction B
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 3
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
These variables define a “supercell”, from the primitive cell repeated along each primitive direction. This supercell is build as follows:
do isa=-nsa,nsa
do isb=-nsb,nsb
do isc=-nsc,nsc
-> here, the cell is translated by the vector
-> (isa,isb,isc) in crystallographic coordinates
-> and accumulated, to give the supercell
Mnemonics: Number of Supercell points in direction C
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 3
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
These variables define a “supercell”, from the primitive cell repeated along each primitive direction. This supercell is build as follows:
do isa=-nsa,nsa
do isb=-nsb,nsb
do isc=-nsc,nsc
-> here, the cell is translated by the vector
-> (isa,isb,isc) in crystallographic coordinates
-> and accumulated, to give the supercell
Mnemonics: Number of THETA angles
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 32
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
With nphi, this variable defines the angular grid for the integration within the Bader volume, in particular, the number of theta angles, to be used between thetamin and thetamax. When the difference between these two variables is \(\pi\), the recommended value of ntheta is 32. When it is \(\pi\)/2 (for symmetry reasons), the recommended value is 20.
Mnemonics: PHI MAXimal angle
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 2.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Angular limits of integration of the Bader volume for the phi variables. The number of integration points is given by nphi. The range of integration can be decreased if there are symmetry reasons for doing this.
Mnemonics: PHI MINimal angle
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Angular limits of integration of the Bader volume for the phi variables. The number of integration points is given by nphi. The range of integration can be decreased if there are symmetry reasons for doing this.
Mnemonics: RADial STeP
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.05
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Moderately used, [⅖] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
The length of the first step in the search of the exact Bader radius.
Mnemonics: Radius Atomic MINimal
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 1.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Moderately used, [⅖] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
The first estimation of the smallest radius of the basin of the atom (the distance at which the procedure that follows the gradient path announces that the gradient path finishes in the corresponding atom) This parameter is very important for the speed of the calculation, but this first estimation is not usually used because the program makes a new one based on the knowledge of CPs. In fact after the CP analysis, the new estimation is done by the product of the ad hoc parameter coff1 (default 0.98) by the distance of the nearest bonding CP. If there is a problem later, coff2 (default 0.95) is used instead.
Mnemonics: Radius SURface DIRection
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: (2)
Default value: 2*0.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
In the case rsurf=1, gives the direction (angular coordinates theta,phi) along which the radius of the Bader surface is to be determined.
Mnemonics: computation of the Radius bader SURFace
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Drive the computation of the radius of the Bader surface for the angles specified in the input variable rsurdir
- 0, not calculated
- 1, calculated
Mnemonics: SCALing of the cartesian coordinates
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: (3)
Default value: 1.0 1.0 1.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
SCALing of the cartesian coordinates.
Mnemonics: computation of the bader SURFace
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: integer
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [5/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Drive the computation of the full Bader surface.
- 0, not calculated
- 1, calculated
Mnemonics: THETA MAXimal angle
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: \(\pi\)
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Very frequently used, [⅘] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Angular limits of integration of the Bader volume for the theta variables. The number of integration points is given by ntheta. The range of integration can be decreased if there are symmetry reasons for doing this.
Mnemonics: THETA MINimal angle
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: scalar
Default value: 0.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Angular limits of integration of the Bader volume for the theta variables. The number of integration points is given by ntheta. The range of integration can be decreased if there are symmetry reasons for doing this.
Mnemonics: Vectors defining the PoinTS of the surface
Mentioned in topic(s): topic_Bader
Variable type: real
Dimensions: (6)
Commentdims: 6 for 1D, 9 for 2D
Default value: 6*0.0
Added in version: before_v9
Test list (click to open). Rarely used, [0/5] in all aim tests, [0/0] in aim tutorials
Basic vectors of the line or rectangle in real space, defining the points for which the density or laplacian will be computed, thanks to denout or lapout