This page gives hints on how to control the flow of ABINIT with the ABINIT package.
A few input variables governs the naming or prefix of input/output/temporary files (e.g. pseudos, output_file …), their path, the possible stopping of ABINIT (e.g. according to a maximal limit on CPU time), or the details of the ABINIT flow for specific cases.
Related Input Variables¶
- pseudos PSEUDOpotentialS
- chkexit CHecK whether the user want to EXIT
- cpuh CPU time limit in Hours
- cpum CPU time limit in Minutes
- cpus CPU time limit in seconds
- ddb_filepath DDB PATH
- ddk_filepath DDK PATH
- eph_prefix EPH PREFIX
- gkk_filepath GKK PATH
- indata_prefix INput DATA PREFIX
- outdata_prefix OUTput DATA PREFIX
- outdata_prefix OUTput DATA PREFIX
- outdata_prefix OUTput DATA PREFIX
- output_file OUTPUT FILE
- output_file OUTPUT FILE
- pp_dirpath PseudoPotential DIRectory PATH
- tmpdata_prefix TeMPorary DATA PREFIX
- builtintest BUILT-IN TEST number
- mem_test MEMory TEST
- papiopt PAPI OPTion
- timopt TIMing OPTion
Selected Input Files¶
No input file associated to this topic.